Sweden's country code is 46 and it was allocated to Sweden in 1954 by the 070/072/073/076/079 numbers for mobile telephony services.


Step 3: Area code and number – 46 72 xxx xxxx. EXAMPLE: 011 46 72 xxx xxxx. A correctly dialed Sweden city phone number will ensure your call will end up to the correct destination. There are a variety of ways to call Sweden from Canada: use your landline or mobile phone, or pick up an international calling card from your local convenience store.

Sweden. Coat of arms: Sweden. Digit ISO: SE Calling code: +46  We provide Sweden virtual phone numbers. We can also A Sweden phone number. Purchase a Your international number may be used wherever you go! DID numbers in Mobile, Sweden (prefix: 46-73) from outside the country of the DID number, as it depends on international carriers on which we don't have any  "How to call Sweden (country code +46)". howtophoneto.com.

Sweden international phone code

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Destination Description. 46. 252. $0.063.

Year, 0.4 - 1.17, Liquidity Provider, No, 3 month, -47.43. Opening price, 0.526, Market, First North GM Sweden, 6 month, -19.41. Vol. 3,605,022, ICB Code, 1010 

The + initiates an international call, followed by the country code (here 46 for Sweden). Alternatively, in most countries (with some exceptions, for example, USA, Canada, Australia, and Russia) 00 can also be used to initiate a foreign call.

Sweden international phone code

Find telephone area code for Stockholm in Sweden along with interactive map pointing Stockholm. Country, Town/City, Area Code. Sweden, Stockholm, +46 8 

Phone numbers in Sweden cost £12.90 monthly. (Subject to a £12.90 booking fee.) City, Area Code  It has around 9 696 110 inhabitants, 4 321 000 landlines and 11 643 000 cell phone users. Advertising. +46 Country code. SE iso-2. Regions for geographical area codes Country calling code, +46 In Sweden, the area codes are, including the leading 0, two, three or four digits long, with  Sweden cities and cellular phone codes - all the useful information on Sweden cities phone codes, mobile operators codes, emergency phone numbers and Sweden dialling rules.

Sweden international phone code

Country code 01146 (exit code of ‘011’ used in the United States and Canada followed by Sweden’s country code of ’46’). To call Sweden from the U.S., just follow these dialing instructions: First dial 011, the U.S. exit code. Next dial 46, the country code for Sweden. Then dial the 1- to 3-digit area code (see sample calling code list below) and finally the 5- to 8-digit phone number. Buy Sweden Calling Cards » Comfi Assist Book provides information on international calling codes, city and area codes, local time, currency exchange rates, and How to call Sweden from United States: 011 - United States exit code to dial first when calling international 46 - Swedish country code must be dialed next 011 + 46 + Local Number - Overall dialing code format The two-letter country abbreviation for Sweden is SE, the three-letter code is SWE. Country-specific domains ending with .se, e.g. www.my-domain.se Input Sweden's country code (46) after the U.S. IDD. Start by double-checking that your phone reads "011." If so, input "46," which is Sweden's calling code. No matter what Swedish city you're calling to, the first 5 digits should always be "011 46." 3
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All prices given in Dial *120# and press the "call" button to check the current account balance.

Now mom calls this new Sweden phone number to reach you in US, and doesn't have to pay long distance charges when she calls you.
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The latest Tweets from Sida (@Sida). Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Tweets both in Swedish and English by the Communications 

A correctly dialed Sweden city phone number will ensure your call will end up to the correct destination. There are a variety of ways to call Sweden from Canada: use your landline or mobile phone, or pick up an international calling card from your local convenience store. International Dialing Codes on How to Call to and from Sweden . International Calling Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in Sweden Sweden Phone Numbers: +46 + Area Code + Local Number Sweden Area Code 176 Norrtalje, Sweden 46-176 reverse phone lookup. Search for major cities, dialing We offer great value international prepaid SIM, national bundles and 4G data plans. To enjoy cheap international calls order your discounted SIM or top-up today! To assist you in calling from United States to Sweden we have provided a table of area codes or city codes for Sweden as a reference.

7 Apr 2016 The premise is simple: 1) Call Sweden's phone number — keep in mind it's international; 2) Chat with a Swede about anything you want 

lis tt s.com: US Area Code Lookup World Calling Codes. Los Sweden international calling code . Welcome! You may have reached us perhaps looking for information on international calling codes. To get the answers to these The Swedish country code and Sweden area code chart below gives you the necessary information for calling Swedish cities. For international dialing instructions to Sweden, use our drop down boxes at the top of this page or check out our easy-to-use country code search tool. First Page << 1 2 >> Last Page Area Codes 31-59 (of 59) 2012-03-31 Nybro Sweden phone country code .

Learn how easy international cellular calling can be at HowStuffWorks.