Ledebouria cooperi, Cooper’s false scilla, has narrow green, striped leaves 4” tall and bright pink flowers in spring. South African bulb forms nice clumps over time. Sun to part shade, moist to dry, well drained soil.
General information about Ledebouria (1LBRG) EPPO Code: 1LBRG; Preferred name: Ledebouria. Taxonomy. Kingdom Ledebouria cooperi ( SLLCO).
Missouri Botanical Garden. Published on the internet. Accessed: 2019 Feb. 02. USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. Ledebouria cooperi in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. Ledebouria cooperi, or Zebra's Quill, features narrow, olive-green leaves with dark purple striping. In early spring, the clumps are adorned with miniature, rosy pink, scilla-like racemes.
Bulbs mostly Conservation Status. Least Concern (LC.). Ledebouria cooperi is a common and widespread species and is not considered to Distribution and Ledebouria cooperi is an attractive bulbous plant with narrow, olive-green leaves that grow up to 10 inches (25 cm) long. Leaves are marked with purple spots, stripes, a combination of both or often completely unmarked. Sweet and easy bulb from South Africa with 4 narrow olive-green leaves upright and marked with purple stripes and spots. Decorative in themselves and more so in spring when adorned with racemes of pink scilla-like flowers. Spreads slowly to form a 1' wide clump.
General information about Ledebouria cooperi (SLLCO) EPPO Global Database. Go! advanced search Login. Register. Toggle navigation. Home
South African bulb forms nice clumps over time. Sun to part shade, moist to dry, well drained soil. Ledebouria cooperi (syn.
Ledebouria cooperi, or Zebra’s Quill, features narrow, olive-green leaves with dark purple striping. In early spring, the clumps are adorned with miniature, rosy pink, scilla-like racemes. Provide ample moisture during the growing season. Some shade will be required in warmer climates.
We have few details about this taxon; if you can provide any information, photos or reliable records, please contact one of the site authors. Email addresses are given on the home page. Images: None on this site. Espesye sa tanom nga asparagos nga una nga gihulagway ni Joseph Dalton Hooker, ug nga gihatagan sa eksakto nga ngalan ni John Peter Jessop ang Ledebouria cooperi.Ang Ledebouria cooperi sakop sa kahenera nga Ledebouria sa kabanay nga Asparagaceae. Pagka karon wala pay siak nga nalista ubos niini niya. Ang mga gi basihan niini. 2.0 2.1; Gikan sa gawas nga tinubdan Ledebouria cooperi (Hook.f.) Jessop Description.
Grows in Sun to Light Shade. Flower Color is Pink and blooms in Spring. Hardiness zone 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b. Characteristics: Container Plants, Drought Tolerant Plants, Fillers, Medicinal Plants, Xeriscaping Plants, Patterned Foliage, Corms - Bulbs - Tubers, Fai…
Everything you need to know about Cooper's African Hyacinth (Ledebouria cooperi), including propagation, ideal conditions and common pests and problems. Ledebouria cooperi [Broad Leaf] レデボウリア・クーペリー Ledebouria cooperi [Broad Leaf] Done.
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Zones: 7-10.
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Ledebouria är ett släkte av afrikanska bulbösa fleråriga örter i familjen Asparagus, (Baker) Jessop; Ledebouria confusa S.Venter; Ledebouria cooperi (Hook.
6.2 Ledeburia pauciflora. 6.3 Ledeburia Cooper (Ledebouria cooperi) Ledebouria 15/22948 - Ledebouria socialis 15/22949 - Ledebouria violacea Lepidozona clathrata 20/30057 - Lepidozona cooperi 20/30058 - Lepidozona Fläckfetblad, Adromiscus cooperi. Fredsgrönska, Peperomia obtusifolia Syskonstjärna, Ledebouria socialis. Tradescantia, Tradescantia fluminensis *. Den örtartade fleråriga bulbous växten Ledebouria anses vara en medlem av familjen Liliaceae. Den har en ganska Ledeburia cooper (Ledebouria cooperi).
Cultivo de campanula punctata como kusamono · contacto. ledebouria cooperi . facebook · instagram · Política de privacidad Funciona gracias a WordPress.
Denna halvt Asparagaceae / Ledebouria cooperi / Jessop / P01775764. Institution MNHN Collection P Family Asparagaceae Genus Ledebouria Binom Ledebouria cooperi. i familjen: ledebouria cooperiledebouria floribundaledebouria ovatifolialedebouria revolutasyskonstjärna. Läs mer. Syskonstjärnesläktet (Ledebouria) är ett Syskonstjärna (L. socialis): Ledebouria atrobrunnea · Ledebouria camerooniana · Ledebouria concolor · Ledebouria cooperi · Ledebouria cordifolia Ledebouria är ett släkte av afrikanska bulbösa fleråriga örter i familjen Asparagus, (Baker) Jessop; Ledebouria confusa S.Venter; Ledebouria cooperi (Hook.
Leaves are marked with purple spots, stripes, a combination of both or often completely unmarked.