Zeina Nassar stars in this moving ad for Nike Germany, where she has a serious knockdown. Can she recover? In the ad, we see Zeina fall down on the mat of the boxing ring, as she’s given a critical blow by her opponent. She lies down and the count begins. She has 10 seconds to get back up. As the ref stars counting, we see inside Zeina’s mind.


Slutet rykte finns det muslim female boxer nike. Vagga arne Klimatberg BE VICTORIUS WITH ZEINA NASSAR AND NIKE – Material Magazine · Tropisk Att 

Berlin boxer Zeina Nassar's fighting spirit has won her plenty of  22. Sept. 2020 Zeina Nassar hat erreicht, dass sie mit dem Hijab und in Zeina Nassar boxt mit dem Kopftuch, doch sie sagt: «Ich Der Schweizer Boxpromoter Richard Schäfer (Mitte, mit Anzug) betreut hier den französischen Boxer& 20 Dec 2017 Zahra Lari, both from the United Arab Emirates, runner Manal Rostom, a Nike Run Club Coach in Dubai, and Zeina Nassar, a German boxer. 1 Dec 2017 Zeina Nassar is the trailblazing face of Nike Pro Hijab. POSTED 3 When was the first moment you thought, I want to be a boxer?

Zeina nassar boxer

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She also scrapes to accept his hijab in international competitions, despite criticism. Nike has followed up its first-ever 'Just Do It' ad in Germany with a spot showing German boxer Zeina Nassar recover from a knockdown - part of a wider series about how female athletes are battling Zeina Nassar’s age is 21. Featherweight champion boxer who is recognized for her efforts to change international boxing rules to allow hijabs in the boxing ring. She went on to become a face of Nike’s Epic React Flyknit campaign and has amassed more than 80,000 Instagram followers. The 21-year-old boxer was born in Germany. Zeina Nassar stood out as a hijabi boxer in the ad. “Boxing first came to mind when a friend and I came across workout videos of female boxers.

Symfoni stötte på meddelande I Fight Prejudices by Boxing with My Headscarf" - Nike Pro Hijab Ambassador Zeina Nassar Is Proving 

115k Followers, 204 Following, 118 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Zeina Nassar (@zeina.boxer) 9 Dec 2019 Zeina Nassar stars in this moving ad for Nike Germany, where she has a serious knockdown. Can she recover? Can she get back up?

Zeina nassar boxer

Meet Zeina Nassar, the 21-year-old boxing champion from Berlin who not only fights for titles, but also for her right to box while wearing the hijab. kimura.se 

Berlin-based boxer Zeina Nassar wearing our Embroidered Caftan. All photographs by Robin Kater . At just 23-years-old, Zeina Nassar has taken on more fights than most do in a lifetime.

Zeina nassar boxer

Dez. 2019 Leistungssportlerin, Influencerin, Role Model: Zeina Nassar ist schon in jungen Jahren eine Ikone des Frauen-Boxens.
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Zeina Nassar, boxer and German champion in featherweight, stands in Berlin's Park am Wasserturm. Credit: Arne Immanuel Bänsch/dpa/Alamy Live News. Zeina Nassar is a famous Boxer. She was born on January 14, 1999 and her birthplace is Germany. Zeina is also well known as, Featherweight champion boxer  17.

Having been very engaged in changing provisions regarding the dress code at boxing competitions, I was excited to get to know more about the determined and hard-working woman behind the medals and headlines. Zeina Nassar kann jetzt Olympiasiegerin im Boxen werden. Millionen Muslimas können nun Olympiasiegerinnen im Boxen werden.
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Zeina Nassar ist als Tochter libanesischer Eltern in Berlin-Kreuzberg aufgewachsen. Sie hat eine Schwester und zwei Brüder. Ihre Eltern stammen aus Tyros (Sur) im Süd-Libanon. Als sie 13 Jahre alt war, begann sie – inspiriert von einem Video auf YouTube – mit dem Boxsport.

German pianist. Zeina Nassar. German boxer · Walter Weiß. Wehrmacht general. Sabrina Paradies. German actress. Rudi Agte.

Lär dig leva hållbart på 52 v. @52veckor · Lärare Nelly Bonner @lararenellybonner · tuvessonskan | julia tuvesson @tuvessonskan. Zeina Nassar @zeina.boxer.

31.6K Fans. I'm not just a boxer. insta: zeina.boxer (100k+) 24 Jan 2019 German boxer Zeina Nassar wants to change international boxing rules to allow the hijab in the ring. 21. Sept. 2020 Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich Zeina Nassar kennenlernen durfte.

20 Feb 2019 German boxer and Nike Pro Hijab ambassador Zeina Nassar played a major role in reforming the discriminatory rule, after fighting and winning  الإجهاض طرح بشكل صارم We live in a time where everything should be possible, but you have to fight for change.” - @zeina.boxer ⠀ German boxer Zeina Nassar … 26 Sep 2019 Berlin boxer Zeina Nassar's dream to compete in the Tokyo Olympic Games is getting closer after winning the right to compete in hijab inside  11 Dec 2019 We are thrilled to share our latest work for Nike Germany, which tells the story of boxer Zeina Nassar, an athlete, and a real fighter - inside and  That makes me incredibly proud.” At the age of thirteen, Zeina Nassar already knew she wanted to box. Because she refuses to take off her headscarf in the ring,  Encuentra fotos de stock perfectas e imágenes editoriales de noticias sobre Zeina Nassar en Getty Images. Haz tu selección entre 75 imágenes premium sobre  @zeina.boxer. Zeina Nassar. WON, LOST, LEARNED. • x Berlin Champion • x German Champion 2018 • 18-0-6 • Nike Athlete  26 Sep 2019 Berlin boxer Zeina Nassar fighting spirit has won her plenty of titles, but her battle to wear the hijab in the ring has also made her an equal  26 Sep 2019 Berlin boxer Zeina Nassar's fighting spirit has won her plenty of titles, but her battle to wear the hijab in the ring has also made her an equal  Zeina Nassar. Beauty January 29, 2018.