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Abandon that mission for now, and don't take Rome until the 1500s after converting to Protestant or Reformed. If you do that you'll get bonus prestige and an extra missionary instead of negative effects. I never stay Catholic when playing in Italy thanks to the bullshit Occupation of Rome malus that remains for the entire game.
Europa Universalis 4 Wiki. Paradox Wikis. 2021-04-11 · The Occupation of Rome : is playing in historical setup; has discovered the province Roma (118). is Catholic.
Milan starts in one of No Occupation of Rome or Refusal to Return Rome modifiers. +1 missionary when Jul 30, 2018 Here is my guide on how to start as Milan and form Italy in under 100 years and finish the game as Roman Empire. This was a fun run for me. The HRE literally has "Roman" in the name, and yet cannot hold Rome without it do about this, and when I do form the HRE, will I get occupation of rome? EU4 Cheats is an up-to-date, searchable Europa Universalis IV console Province ID, The ID of the province you wish to set the AI's invasion target to.
2021-04-11 · The Occupation of Rome : is playing in historical setup; has discovered the province Roma (118). is Catholic. is not the Papal State. owns Roma (118) or has a vassal who owns Roma. is not the overlord of the Papal States; is not Italy; is not Roman Empire; −10 Yearly papal influence; −1 Diplomatic reputation; Subjugation of the Papacy
So yeah, you'll have to either convert or make Naples give Rome away. No Occupation of Rome or Refusal to Return Rome modifiers. +1 missionary when you control Rome 2.
No Occupation of Rome or Refusal to Return Rome modifiers. +1 missionary when you control Rome 2. Wait a few years for AE to tick down significantly (say below 10), before declaring on Papal State You can form Italy in under 100 years while remaining Catholic, but it’s easier if you convert to Protestant or Reformed. DIPLOMACY Allies Savoy
2015-07-19 25 rows 2014-11-16 Only way to not get the Occupation of Rome malus is to either: Not be Catholic. Be Italy. So yeah, you'll have to either convert or make Naples give Rome away.
The HRE literally has "Roman" in the name, and yet cannot hold Rome without it do about this, and when I do form the HRE, will I get occupation of rome?
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Crusader Kings II explores one of the defining periods of world history in an experience crafted by Paradox Development Studio, the masters of Grand Strategy. Vi skulle vilja visa dig en beskrivning här men webbplatsen du tittar på tillåter inte detta. Milan-Italy-Roman Republic Beginner's Guide 1.25. Milan starts in one of No Occupation of Rome or Refusal to Return Rome modifiers.
On the morning of October 16, 1943, more than 300 German soldiers converged on a square in front of Portico d’Ottavia. Please note that this website will be undergoing some updates this week. Consequently, users may experience instabilities and limited functionality. To promote Light of Rome and grow its popularity (), use the embed code provided on your homepage, blog, forums and elsewhere you desire.Or try our widget.
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After you take Rome, you will get a "Occupation of Rome" modifier and a event that ask you to return Rome to Papal State. If you refuse, you will get -10 prestige & -1 Stability, and all Catholic nations gain -20 opinion. Once you form Italy, the "Occupation of Rome" modifier will disappear.
222 No Occupation of Rome or Refusal to Return Rome modifiers. +1 missionary when you control Rome 2. Wait a few years for AE to tick down significantly (say below 10), before declaring on Papal State You can form Italy in under 100 years while remaining Catholic, but it’s easier if you convert to Protestant or Reformed. DIPLOMACY Allies Savoy In your case, the Holy Roman Empire is centered on Italy with the Germans in the periphery, so maybe the "Occupation of Rome" modifier should take into account culture somehow to account for the fact that you're still technically Italy but at the helm of a much greater empire. Last edited: Mar 15, 2015.
It just bothers me that it's basically pointless to play Italy as catholic. Rome is a sizeable chunk of base tax, manpower and forcelimits. And it's forced as your capital when you form Italy, so you have to change your capital again before trying to hand it off. The real pope made a deal with Mussolini, why is he a permanent prick to me?
A united Italy and Ottomans, if they haven’t already crippled each other by late game, are both extremely strong and extremely rich. Italian states in 2015-07-19 · Retrieved from " ".
Only way to not get the Occupation of Rome malus is to either: Not be Catholic. Be Italy. So yeah, you'll have to either convert or make Naples give Rome away. if you want historical facts: Rome in the eu timeframe wasn't exactly very "catholic" all the time. Look at the Borgias and all. Heck, conquering Rome as catholic nation is just liberating Rome and the Pope from all the sinful activity that took place there.